Sunday, January 12, 2014

Trying to Keep My Eyes Open

My first few days in Germany have been okay.
I say "okay" because this 7 hour time change is kicking my butt, one hour at a time! They say it take one day per hour of time change for your body to adjust, so if that's true only four days of sleepless torture left! Then I can describe my days as GREAT!.. since I'll be awake enough to remember them. 

Sadly this is not a very good picture. Its from my phone.
I was attempting to take it while riding in the shuttle going very fast over the bumpiest roads in the world, but hey it works.
See the windmills? They're so environmentally friendly here. SO SO SO much tree hugging!

Germany is so the same and different from America. The landscape doesn't look much different. It's gloomy instead of sunny, so that's sad. It's also much colder!  MUCH MUCH colder. Like sleep in long johns, pants, a shirt, a sweatshirt, layers of wool socks, mittens and a toboggan and still wake up freezing! Oh, and I forgot to add 4 comforters and one knit blanket! Yep, THAT cold!

Same sob story here about the terrible quality. Hopefully you an see the "village" in the distance.
Villages are a common and make for a pretty cool community. They have their own schools and shops.

The houses are a lot different than I imagined. All the Germans I've met (before coming here) wore dark clothes. Black jeans, black, red or grey shirt. Saw the same sort of outfits at the airport when I arrived, so I'm thinking pretty plain place, right? WRONG! First house my airport shuttle went to was grey and bright purple! The building number was painted grey inside a purple lightening bolt. Crazy stuff. Then I saw a house with orange stripes! It was wild! The interiors are a lot different from American homes. I really love them. I'll bore you with more talk about that later!

Looking forward to telling you all about:
-My first Sunday at a German church
-My first meal in a German household
-My first experience in a "village" 
-and maybe some more firsts that take place before my next post :)

Seriously, ask me questions in the comments. It makes writing much easier!


  1. I love your blog. I'm actually very impressed. The pictures go perfectly with your words. Pictures say so much. I'm so glad I get to be in Germany with you through your blog. Love you!

    1. Thank you! I hope to actually post some pictures that I've taken with my camera. Somehow I have managed not to take it anywhere with me yet! I'm glad you enjoy my blog. Love you!!
