Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My Kleenex Box Feels like Home

As I settle into a routine here I have begun missing things from home. One of those being my hair dryer. I chose not to bring it because I didn't want to accidentally blow it up (You know, the differences in voltage and all that jazz). But you guys.. If you ever want to stress yourself out just leave something you adore on the other side of the world! So you're all welcome to come visit me over in frizz central, I'll be here until April! My hair is crazy here, like it's takes 20 minutes to blow dry it crazy. WHO DOES THAT?! (Yeah, yeah I hear all you thick haired girls barking-settle down!) It takes me MAYBE 5 minutes to dry my hair at home, in America, with my precious hair dryer. So that's 15 more minutes I'd be spending in Snoozeyville if I was with my hair dryer, back in America. 

That's also 12 weeks I wouldn't be spending in Germany. 90 days I wouldn't get to be submerged in another culture. 2,160 hours I wouldn't have a precious two year old laughing her head off, while looking up at me, as she sneaks up to hug my leg as tight as she can, with the sweetest grin on her peanut butter stained cheeks. 129,600 minutes I wouldn't get to spend in the kitchen floor chatting with a four month old that has more to babble about ,,than any one I've ever met (and squeals with excitement at my stories)! 7,776,000 seconds I wouldn't  get to hear a spunky four year old singing hymns of praise to God as she plays with her toys, without a care in the world, and without a clue that anyone hears. 

Can we all take some time to praise God for the faithful, loving, all knowing God that He is?!

I'm praising God for the opportunity to leave my comfort zone- you know, the one where my hair dryer, family, friends, Baby cat, car, favorite foods, and even my native language live- and for having a much bigger plan than my tiny eyes can see. A an even greater plan than I can begin to imagine!
The Kleenex box on my bedside table :)

Who knew that my exhausted, impatient, stressed heart would be reminded to praise God by hearing a four year old belt out  "God is SO GOOD, Good is SO GOOD, God is SO GOOD, He's SO GOOD TO ME!!!" through a closed bathroom door, while she sits on the potty? God knew. 

What a mighty God we serve! Thankful for a God that knows my heart and meets my needs. 

Which brings me to the Kleenex box (I know you've been wondering). I needed a box of Kleenex for my room and was able to pick from a plethora of patterns in the pantry. I just grabbed one and started to walk off, then my eye caught a different one. It was sort of a mauve color and covered with flowers. I immediately felt relaxed and right at home. I couldn't help but smile! Because in a moment that I felt a bit homesick there I was holding a Kleenex box just like the ones my mom buys. Nothing like a Kleenex box to make ya feel all warm and fuzzy, right? It sounds silly, but was just the little piece of home I needed!

When you begin to feel yourself wanting to be somewhere else, stop and think about the gifts God has blessed you with right where you are. 

You won't regret it!

Until next time,


  1. Well, Hello Rachel. I smiled the entire time I read your post. Thanks for sharing about your day. I like your accompanying picture too. Sounds like your settling in a little more. Oh yeah, our new addition of the furry kind -
    charlie - he actually likes the big dog house. Your dad and Jonathan brought it closer to the house and put cedar cuttings in it to keep him warm and cozy. It's door faces the street and its back faces the pool by the pool fence. ttyl, Love, Mom

  2. Rach, love the blog! Thanks for taking the time to write about your adventure in Germany and your walk in faith....very inspiring.
    Hope you are enjoying the family that you are staying with...I'd love to hear a little more about them. (The potty singing story is so cute.) Kid's do the funniest things.
    So proud of you and love ya!
    Aunt Di
