Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Good-bye Tumultous Tuesday!

I know I've fallen behind on this blogging business! Who knew that when a four-year-old, two-year-old, four-month-old and laundry all teamed up they could tire you out faster than a workout with Jillian Michaels?! 

Let me give you a quick recap of my day!
Today was spent running errands..

First, we dropped off a neighbor, Rory, at the air base. He deployed to the Middle East this afternoon. As he said his goodbyes he paused and said to Heidi (the lady I'm here helping) "wait, will I see you guys when I get back?" To which Heidi replied "no."--And there IT was.. the giant bag full of emotions (and perspective) I managed to dodge at the airport when I left my family.. BOOM! Couldn't dodge it this time. Here is a guy, only 24 years old, leaving everything familiar, which he's already done a time or two during his years of service, to live in a desert...a desert...so that you and I can continue to live in the land of the FREE!--back to the story. When he returns from the Middle East this family that he's become close friends with will be reassigned. This afternoon could realistically be the last time they see one another. Woah! Then all the things he's leaving behind begin racing through my head and I felt like I couldn't thank him enough.

Pray for Rory and Matt (the father and husband of the family I'm living with) as they sacrifice time with their loved ones, every day comforts, and much more to serve our country. Also, please take the time today to thank someone that you know serving in the military. Let them know that they are cared about and prayed for and that their hard work and sacrifice don't go unnoticed.

Next, we went to a few German stores (which screams "ADVENTURE!!!!!"). We had dinner in Kaufland. I can't compare it to anywhere I've ever been (besides Edeka, but that's also German so it doesn't really help). It's a grocery store with a mini mall feel. When you walk in there are restaurants and shops lining the walls, then an entrance to the grocery part of the store. We got sandwiches at one of the delis before shopping. I walked to up to the counter, sweating (I was nervous! I only speak English and they all speak German). I ask "can I get a sandwich?" To which the lady replies "German word German words more German words" I'm clueless, so naturally I reply "ham?" She points at a giant slab of ham and I nod my head yes. She cuts the slab in half (remeber this is a GIANT slab of ham) and places one half on a white roll and hand it's to me. I was so shocked all I could say was "cheese?" She must've been shocked too because she just left! I waited (still sweating). She came back with my sandwich: half a giant slab of ham, on a white roll, with cheese. 

Graphic picture of my sandwich. Isn't that the most giant slab of ham?!

As I paid I ask for a bottle of water, she pointed me to a cooler and gave me my change. After looking at almost every bottle in the cooler and determining they were all beer (now I believe it's true what they say about Germans, they drink beer like its water!) I ask her for water again... and she left.. again. So I waited again! (Thankfully body language-or in this case leaving- is a universal language!) This time I received water! Bubbly water (they carbonate everything here-water and juice), but water nonetheless! I enjoyed my sandwich while gawking over some beautiful desserts in the bakery across from me. I hope you're dinner was just as exciting! :)

While grocery shopping a few things caught my eye and I just had to have pictures of them. Here they are for your viewing pleasure:

Don't be fooled! This is not a pet store! It's tons of yummy fresh bread!

Yes, they have tons of fresh bread and sell what they call bread for an "American Sandwich" Funny, right?

Who doesn't need a giant can of cigarettes at check out?

The usual last minute grab your attention items: candy, chap stick, iTunes card, air freshener, and alcohol..WHAT?

Hope you enjoyed a short trip to the German grocery store! Until next time!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My Kleenex Box Feels like Home

As I settle into a routine here I have begun missing things from home. One of those being my hair dryer. I chose not to bring it because I didn't want to accidentally blow it up (You know, the differences in voltage and all that jazz). But you guys.. If you ever want to stress yourself out just leave something you adore on the other side of the world! So you're all welcome to come visit me over in frizz central, I'll be here until April! My hair is crazy here, like it's takes 20 minutes to blow dry it crazy. WHO DOES THAT?! (Yeah, yeah I hear all you thick haired girls barking-settle down!) It takes me MAYBE 5 minutes to dry my hair at home, in America, with my precious hair dryer. So that's 15 more minutes I'd be spending in Snoozeyville if I was with my hair dryer, back in America. 

That's also 12 weeks I wouldn't be spending in Germany. 90 days I wouldn't get to be submerged in another culture. 2,160 hours I wouldn't have a precious two year old laughing her head off, while looking up at me, as she sneaks up to hug my leg as tight as she can, with the sweetest grin on her peanut butter stained cheeks. 129,600 minutes I wouldn't get to spend in the kitchen floor chatting with a four month old that has more to babble about ,,than any one I've ever met (and squeals with excitement at my stories)! 7,776,000 seconds I wouldn't  get to hear a spunky four year old singing hymns of praise to God as she plays with her toys, without a care in the world, and without a clue that anyone hears. 

Can we all take some time to praise God for the faithful, loving, all knowing God that He is?!

I'm praising God for the opportunity to leave my comfort zone- you know, the one where my hair dryer, family, friends, Baby cat, car, favorite foods, and even my native language live- and for having a much bigger plan than my tiny eyes can see. A an even greater plan than I can begin to imagine!
The Kleenex box on my bedside table :)

Who knew that my exhausted, impatient, stressed heart would be reminded to praise God by hearing a four year old belt out  "God is SO GOOD, Good is SO GOOD, God is SO GOOD, He's SO GOOD TO ME!!!" through a closed bathroom door, while she sits on the potty? God knew. 

What a mighty God we serve! Thankful for a God that knows my heart and meets my needs. 

Which brings me to the Kleenex box (I know you've been wondering). I needed a box of Kleenex for my room and was able to pick from a plethora of patterns in the pantry. I just grabbed one and started to walk off, then my eye caught a different one. It was sort of a mauve color and covered with flowers. I immediately felt relaxed and right at home. I couldn't help but smile! Because in a moment that I felt a bit homesick there I was holding a Kleenex box just like the ones my mom buys. Nothing like a Kleenex box to make ya feel all warm and fuzzy, right? It sounds silly, but was just the little piece of home I needed!

When you begin to feel yourself wanting to be somewhere else, stop and think about the gifts God has blessed you with right where you are. 

You won't regret it!

Until next time,

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Trying to Keep My Eyes Open

My first few days in Germany have been okay.
I say "okay" because this 7 hour time change is kicking my butt, one hour at a time! They say it take one day per hour of time change for your body to adjust, so if that's true only four days of sleepless torture left! Then I can describe my days as GREAT!.. since I'll be awake enough to remember them. 

Sadly this is not a very good picture. Its from my phone.
I was attempting to take it while riding in the shuttle going very fast over the bumpiest roads in the world, but hey it works.
See the windmills? They're so environmentally friendly here. SO SO SO much tree hugging!

Germany is so the same and different from America. The landscape doesn't look much different. It's gloomy instead of sunny, so that's sad. It's also much colder!  MUCH MUCH colder. Like sleep in long johns, pants, a shirt, a sweatshirt, layers of wool socks, mittens and a toboggan and still wake up freezing! Oh, and I forgot to add 4 comforters and one knit blanket! Yep, THAT cold!

Same sob story here about the terrible quality. Hopefully you an see the "village" in the distance.
Villages are a common and make for a pretty cool community. They have their own schools and shops.

The houses are a lot different than I imagined. All the Germans I've met (before coming here) wore dark clothes. Black jeans, black, red or grey shirt. Saw the same sort of outfits at the airport when I arrived, so I'm thinking pretty plain place, right? WRONG! First house my airport shuttle went to was grey and bright purple! The building number was painted grey inside a purple lightening bolt. Crazy stuff. Then I saw a house with orange stripes! It was wild! The interiors are a lot different from American homes. I really love them. I'll bore you with more talk about that later!

Looking forward to telling you all about:
-My first Sunday at a German church
-My first meal in a German household
-My first experience in a "village" 
-and maybe some more firsts that take place before my next post :)

Seriously, ask me questions in the comments. It makes writing much easier!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

So long! Farewell!

Today's the day! Goodbye America! Hello Germany! Yeeeeee!

As a lot of you know that I am THE BIGGEST cry baby. 

I have been counting down the days for months, excited to leave but dreading the waterfalls coming with goodbyes.

Happy? Crying. 
Watching a movie? Crying. 
Reading a book? Crying. 
Reading a touching blog? Crying. 
Extremely happy? Crying. 
Stressed? Crying
Recovering a meaningful gift? Crying. 
Super angry? Crying. 
Excited beyond belief? Crying. 

You get the picture. Crying is clearly my favorite way to express any emotion. Ha! (Note: I don't mean sobbing, just shed a few tears from time to time..) So I know everyone would be extremely proud of me today. DRY EYES! Didn't shed a tear! So many emotions and no tears! 

Baby cat wanted to come along

I'm happy!
And ready to get this show on the road! 

While I was sad to say goodbye to everyone I love, I am beyond excited for what lies ahead! I'm positive it will be greater than I can begin to imagine.

My amazing care package from the Machens

Also THANK YOU to all of you that have sent me encouraging words and that are praying for me during this exciting journey! I can't wait to start posting more exciting blog posts.. Ones that say more than "I'm excited! I'm excited!" :).. You know, ones worth your time, I hope!

A collaboration of all my good-by pictures

After spending the last two hours in my cozy seat-because of passenger complications- I think we may finally be ready for take off! 9 hours to go...

If ony I was as comfortable as this lady

Next time you hear from me I'll be in Germany!

Until then :)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

T-Minus 2 Days!

Two days...


Only two.

In exactly 2 days, 14 hours, 24 minutes I will board my flight to Germany.

It just doesn't seem real.

After all the chaos of preparing for a simple trip across a big ocean I'm not sure that my heart will survive the calm (here's to hoping) nine hour flight. 

Through all the excitement of the last week I have hardly slept at all. You all know what I do when it's crunch time. I over-think.. stress.. plan.. stress.. plan MORE.. micromanage.. stress..plan EVEN more. I long to iron out every detail-even the tiniest of them in order to be over-prepared for anything thrown my way, all in order that my mind may rest. That is, until the next thing comes along! It's exhausting. My heart is pleading to rest in God's provision. 

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." 34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." 

Matthew 6:25-34 is a 'snap back to reality' reminder for me. Verse 27 makes a good point, "And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?" NOW THAT is a good question! I can hear that verse yelling out at me "Wake up Rachel! Stop sweating the small stuff! Quit worrying! God has a bigger plan. One you can not even fathom." Then verse 30 speaks to God's faithfulness to provide for all things and calls me out "O you of little faith" Pray with me, asking God to help my mind rest and believe what my heart knows, that He has and WILL provide. He will meet all my needs -safety, adequate (health) care, wellness, rest, energy, joy, PEACE!-according to His will. 

I'm thankful to serve a God that truly cares for me and ALL of my needs.

Although sometimes I am briefly overcome with worries about the unknown the majority of my time has been filled with excitement! I am very excited to (hopefully) apply what I learned in college to my day to day life. I'm excited to live with and learn from this wonderful Christ-centered family. I know this will be an amazing experience. I can not wait to see what's in store!

Also, I would love to hear from you guys while I'm gone! 

Leave a comment!
Or shoot me and e-mail (arrington.rach@gmail.com)!   

PS. I'm SO SERIOUS! I want to hear from you...ALL of you! :)