Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day Makes Me Sick


The last three Valentines Days (and maybe even more, I just can't remember that far back) I have felt terrible. 

No, not the typical Valentines Day sicknesses-like love sickness or loneliness. 

More like cough-your-head-off-until-you-talk-like-a-man-sick.
And let me tell you.. I am not a cute man! 

I called my dad last night and this is how the conversation went:

Ring. Riiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. 
Dad: Hello 
Me, in my happiest hoarse man voice: hey!
Dad: uhm.. I think you may have the wrong number. 
Me: no, I don't! It's Rachel! 
Dad: you sound terrible. 

My own dad didn't recognize my voice! I thought I could blame it on his terrible cell phone reception until I really stopped and listened to myself. 

So I guess I spoke too soon when I excitedly exclaimed that I would be having much better valentines day this year, than years past. I thought I escaped the common cold gone wrong. Sadly, it turns out I was wrong. 

After a miserable sleepless night I'm still headed to Paris, hoping to make the best of it (because there are no refunds for cancellations). So if I have to be sick at least I'm sick in Paris!??? 

Too bad that doesn't really have a nice ring to it. 

On a serious note, I really covet your prayers during this time. Please pray that I am able to get good rest, so that my body can heal. That I am able to maintain enough energy to enjoy Paris. That I have wisdom to know what medicines to take to treat this sickness. That I am able to get over this without getting something worse, because for me a lot of times these small bumps in the road can quickly turn into a road block. 

Thank you in advance!
I hope to update again saying I'm feeling like a million bucks!
Until then, I'll be keeping close to a box of Kleenex and hot tea. 

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