Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Parisian Vanetine's Day

I SURVIVED! I was sick as a dog the majority of my trip. I guess that means I'll just have to go back, so that I'm able to enjoy it to the fullest, right? ;)

However, I am feeling a bit better each day. I'm looking forward to being back at 100% or even 80%! Unfortunately, the family I live with is sick now. I'm attempting to keep my distance until they begin to get better, but that's difficult in this small house. Please pray for these babies, sick babies are seriously the saddest things!

I do have some fun, silly stories to tell from Paris, but right now I need to catch some ZZZZZZZ's! So I'll leave you with plenty of pictures to check out.

I hope you enjoy! :)

Hello, Mr. Cornelle. Isn't he sporting the loveliest of hats?

The Notre Dame Cathedral- such beauty!

Standing in the very middle of Paris!

Proof I was at Notre Dame. Also, check out that detail. Isn't it nuts!?

The old Opera House in Paris. I wish I took a picture of the street lamps that line the side streets. They were a hoot!

The Arc of Triumph, for Napoleon Bonaparte and all the battles he won

Our very own, George Washington! I can't remember why he's in Paris. Anyone happen to know?

I learned that the Eiffel Tower was originally built for a specific event and was supposed to be taken down when the event ended. Clearly, that didn't happen. Many Parisians hated the Eiffel Tower and said it looked like a cage for a giraffe. Some still have that opinion...

By far my FAVORITE sight- the Eiffel Tower lit up at night. 

The Eiffel Tower and a full moon, couldn't get any better!

The Palace at Versailles

This silly lady wanted to be the star of all my pictures!

At the Louvre

Just hanging out with Mona Lisa,  no big deal!

The Love Lock Bridge in Paris. Couples decorate a lock, then lock their lock on the bridge and kiss as they throw the key into the Seine River.

Being on the bridge felt the most like what I imagines Paris to feel like, all thanks to this man and his accordion!

I ate Escargot! It wasn't bad!

..and potted duck, which was delicious!

...and Creme Brule! SO YUMMY!

A pretty funny statue at the Palace of Versailles, I don't understand why a monkey would be riding a goat and since the explanation was in French I remained clueless.

I put a lock on the Love Lock Bridge even though I was alone. Hope it isn't bad luck ;)

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