Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Parisian Vanetine's Day

I SURVIVED! I was sick as a dog the majority of my trip. I guess that means I'll just have to go back, so that I'm able to enjoy it to the fullest, right? ;)

However, I am feeling a bit better each day. I'm looking forward to being back at 100% or even 80%! Unfortunately, the family I live with is sick now. I'm attempting to keep my distance until they begin to get better, but that's difficult in this small house. Please pray for these babies, sick babies are seriously the saddest things!

I do have some fun, silly stories to tell from Paris, but right now I need to catch some ZZZZZZZ's! So I'll leave you with plenty of pictures to check out.

I hope you enjoy! :)

Hello, Mr. Cornelle. Isn't he sporting the loveliest of hats?

The Notre Dame Cathedral- such beauty!

Standing in the very middle of Paris!

Proof I was at Notre Dame. Also, check out that detail. Isn't it nuts!?

The old Opera House in Paris. I wish I took a picture of the street lamps that line the side streets. They were a hoot!

The Arc of Triumph, for Napoleon Bonaparte and all the battles he won

Our very own, George Washington! I can't remember why he's in Paris. Anyone happen to know?

I learned that the Eiffel Tower was originally built for a specific event and was supposed to be taken down when the event ended. Clearly, that didn't happen. Many Parisians hated the Eiffel Tower and said it looked like a cage for a giraffe. Some still have that opinion...

By far my FAVORITE sight- the Eiffel Tower lit up at night. 

The Eiffel Tower and a full moon, couldn't get any better!

The Palace at Versailles

This silly lady wanted to be the star of all my pictures!

At the Louvre

Just hanging out with Mona Lisa,  no big deal!

The Love Lock Bridge in Paris. Couples decorate a lock, then lock their lock on the bridge and kiss as they throw the key into the Seine River.

Being on the bridge felt the most like what I imagines Paris to feel like, all thanks to this man and his accordion!

I ate Escargot! It wasn't bad!

..and potted duck, which was delicious!

...and Creme Brule! SO YUMMY!

A pretty funny statue at the Palace of Versailles, I don't understand why a monkey would be riding a goat and since the explanation was in French I remained clueless.

I put a lock on the Love Lock Bridge even though I was alone. Hope it isn't bad luck ;)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day Makes Me Sick


The last three Valentines Days (and maybe even more, I just can't remember that far back) I have felt terrible. 

No, not the typical Valentines Day sicknesses-like love sickness or loneliness. 

More like cough-your-head-off-until-you-talk-like-a-man-sick.
And let me tell you.. I am not a cute man! 

I called my dad last night and this is how the conversation went:

Ring. Riiiiiiiing. Riiiiiiiiiing. 
Dad: Hello 
Me, in my happiest hoarse man voice: hey!
Dad: uhm.. I think you may have the wrong number. 
Me: no, I don't! It's Rachel! 
Dad: you sound terrible. 

My own dad didn't recognize my voice! I thought I could blame it on his terrible cell phone reception until I really stopped and listened to myself. 

So I guess I spoke too soon when I excitedly exclaimed that I would be having much better valentines day this year, than years past. I thought I escaped the common cold gone wrong. Sadly, it turns out I was wrong. 

After a miserable sleepless night I'm still headed to Paris, hoping to make the best of it (because there are no refunds for cancellations). So if I have to be sick at least I'm sick in Paris!??? 

Too bad that doesn't really have a nice ring to it. 

On a serious note, I really covet your prayers during this time. Please pray that I am able to get good rest, so that my body can heal. That I am able to maintain enough energy to enjoy Paris. That I have wisdom to know what medicines to take to treat this sickness. That I am able to get over this without getting something worse, because for me a lot of times these small bumps in the road can quickly turn into a road block. 

Thank you in advance!
I hope to update again saying I'm feeling like a million bucks!
Until then, I'll be keeping close to a box of Kleenex and hot tea. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Valentine's Hoopla!

Today I had some surprise free time, so I spent the majority of it trying to upload and post my stories and pictures from Berlin. Sadly, it was not working. I'll give it a try again tomorrow. I'm dying to share these with you guys! (..and I know you're waiting with great anticipation! ;)..) Since it didn't work I thought I'd just write a random blog!

As most of  you know Valentine's Day is right around the corner. I'm sure you've noticed the insane amounts of pink, red, hearts, cupids, and candies at your local supermarkets. Totally obnoxious, right? Okay, I love it. Mainly because I am a seasonal candy-a-holic. Last year I probably ate 10 big bags of candy hearts.. I know.. I know.. YIKES! Thankfully, this year I am without transportation (and time), so I have don't even have the option to pick some up! Yay for prevention!

Anyway, this year I have gotten myself the most wonderful Valentine's Day present and it was completely on accident! Yep.. an ironic accident. I will be spending Valentine's weekend in Paris! HA HA HA HA. When I planned my trip I didn't even realize. It will indeed be special. Now on to the good part..

This is for all you single people that have the blues since Valentine's Day is around the bend! This is the information you've been waiting for and is very likely to land you your very own valentine! 

Friends have posted this on facebook several times and it always gives me a good laugh, so without further ado, I present to you "How do you decide who to marry? (written by kids!). Hope you laugh as much as I did!


"A group of young kids were asked how do you decide who to marry and here are the results which are pretty amusing.

HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY? (written by kids!)

(1) You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming.
- Alan, age 10

(2) No person really decides before they grow up who they’re going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you’re stuck with.
- Kristen, age 10


(1) Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then.
- Camille, age 10

(2) No age is good to get married at. You got to be a fool to get married.
- Freddie, age 6 (very wise for his age)


(1) You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids.
- Derrick, age 8


(1) Both don’t want any more kids.
- Lori, age 8


(1) Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough.
- Lynnette, age 8 (isn’t she a treasure)

(2) On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that Usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date.
- Martin, age 10


(1) I’d run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns.
-Craig, age 9


(1) When they’re rich.
- Pam, age 7

(2) The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn’t want to mess with that.
- Curt, age 7

(3) The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It’s the right thing to do.
- Howard, age 8


(1) I don’t know which is better, but I’ll tell you one thing. I’m never going to have sex with my wife. I don’t want to be all grossed out.
- Theodore, age 8

(2) It’s better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them.
- Anita, age 9 (bless you child)


(1) There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn’t there?
- Kelvin, age 8

And the #1 Favorite is……..


(1) Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a truck. - Ricky, age 10"


Don't kids say the funniest things?! I hope you all have a wonderful Vanetines weekend!

Here is a  Link to the original post. I

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Blessings in Berlin

Hanging out with the Berlin Bear (mascot of Berlin) on Unter den Linden, one of the most famous streets in Berlin.

Clearly, we hit it off and became best friends! 

I have had the most wonderful week! It's been so wonderful that I am not able to count everything on both hands and feet!

I was able to visit my long lost friend Carolin in Berlin, where she grew up! Carolin and I met when she came to Alabama as an exchange student back in 2005. We have stayed in touch via Facebook for the past eight years and always talked about me coming to visit Germany. However, after a few years I wasn't too confident that I would ever have the opportunity. Thankful the Lord provided an opportunity for me to live in Germany for three months, making Berlin a "short" 7 hour train ride away! God is good to us, isn't He?! It was amazing how we picked up right where we left off eight years ago. As if we hadn't missed a beat! Reuniting with friends after time apart and feeling right at home is really one of the sweetest blessings. 

My short time in Berlin was wonderful! Full of exhaustion, rest, and sweet revitalization! I'm not quite sure how I'm going to fit all of the wonder into a blog for you all! I have so much to blog about and not much time to sit down and blog.

Let's see...

My interest for history began in middle school, but my love for history was really sparked in Dr. Freshwater's US History classes at Snead State the summer after my sophomore year of high school. Berlin is FULL OF HISTORY and I was eating up every detail! In school we learned about World War II and the Cold War, but I really had an appreciation for the details I was able to learn in Berlin. I'll spare you all the history lessons and share some pictures!

In front of the Berlin Dom, First built in 1465 as a parish church, it was only finally completed in 1905 under the last German Kaiser -Wilhelm II. Damaged during the Second World War it remained closed during the GDR years and reopened after restoration in 1993.  
The Berlin Bear. Berlin's Mascot, you can find them all over the city.
Enjoying one of our many bus rides around the inner city.
I found hopping around on public transportation quite fun!

Another at the Berlin Dom.
Door of the Berlin Dom.

Entering the sanctuary in the Berlin Dom
Inside the Berlin Dom.
Another of the inside of the Berlin Dom

Sadly my camera died while I was in the Berlin Dom, so I wasn't able to get many pictures. There was so much beauty that couldn't be captured on my camera. It was the most beautiful building I've ever seen.
The World Clock at Alexanderplatz
In front of the World Clock at Alexanderplatz

Our versions of the Amplemann.
He's responsible for telling you when it's safe to cross at all the crosswalks in Berlin.

My first experience at a self serve bakery was perfect! It was truly love at first sight!

When it came to choosing desserts I chose a German dessert and Carolin chose an American dessert. Funny the way that works!


When I arrived, Carolin insisted I try a Turkish Kebab. It was very good, but nothing like I expected! In Alabama kebabs are few and far between. My assumptions was that I would be getting some meat and veggies roasted on a skewer, nope! It was a sandwich! Blew your mind too, didn't it? It was such an interesting yet tasty combination!

I'd say it's clear that I'm from the South because I haven't a clue how to wear a winter hat on my head! This proved to be quite a struggle when it came to approving pictures. :) These are just a few of the pictures and wonderful experiences that I had while in Berlin. I hope to share the rest with you soon! Hopefully, in a bit more detail!

Have you ever been to Berlin?
If so, what was your favorite part? I'd love to hear!