Friday, May 15, 2015

Fight for your soul

[Preface: I'm seven days out of, what I hope to be, the last set of sinus surgeries of my life. Twenty-two (ish) should be just enough for this girl! Second surgery coming up quick- in three days. And I feel like a balloon of sorts, at least from the neck up. You'd be amazed at the things they can not only stuff IN your nose, but then leave there for NINE entire days! However, I'll spare you the nitty gritty.]

My head hurts-  really bad right now. My body is in a constant state of discomfort-my lips are irritatingly chapped and my mind is fixated on a particular person, for some strange reason. My nose feels like the pressure behind it could blow it (+my teeth) right off of my face at any given moment. Yet, all around me, everything is still + quiet. 

It's times like these..

The ones where you just want to stop and catch your breath, but you can't-because of this, because of that- because of life! Ok!.. You just can't. 

Then for just a moment you realize you're the only one spinning out..- almost out of control-but you aren't alone. 

Because God is near. 

And tonight He reminded me of His sweet promises to us, written in Isaiah 41:10, "fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

It's in these times when such sweet words penetrate my heart, ease my mind, and calm my restless soul. And give me hope, as they remind me that I am deeply loved. 

It's times like these that I see the importance of fighting- for my life, because of my soul. 

Praise the Lord, He is already the victor! Therefore our souls have been won! But that doesn't mean the war is over. There's still life to live here, on this Earth and because our souls have been won we must fight for our joy in this life.  

Constantly being on guard against the devil's sneaky attempts to distract us from the truth. The truth that God is good + in control, even when we do not understand. The truth that God cares deeply for his children, even when we do not "feel" it. 

Now the devil's attacks are never so straight forward, but sneak in through the feelings of loneliness + distance produced from trying to recover from surgery. Then when not addressed with truth, will undoubted snowball into a huge mess of hurt + frustration. 

So yes, God sees you here..- sitting in your parents bathroom floor, fighting to bear the pain of constant discomfort + the physical exhaustion of, yet another, sleepless night and he is NEAR. 

And in this moment he is calling you close-reminding you that, because your soul is His, He promises to sustain you.  (Isaiah 46:4)

Believing that God is true to His character and faithful to His word, I'm fighting against the enemy's attack to wreak havoc + rob me of my joy in this life by asking that God produce in me steadfastness for this storm, which He allows and promises to carry me through. 

Please bring glory to You, that this fight might not be in vain, amen. 

There's a fight for your soul-don't be a by stander. 

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